

$EDGE was listed on Uniswap on the 09th of September, 2021

Any Ethereum or multicoin wallet that supports custom ERC-20 tokens can be used to send and receive your $EDGE tokens. Keep in mind that in order to move the token on the Ethereum network, you will need ETH in your wallet to pay for network transaction fees (commonly known as "gas").

We recommend using MetaMask, enkrypt or the XE Mobile Wallet, but these are by no means your only option.

Things to look for when choosing a wallet are:

  1. Native support for your tokens and/or the ability to add Custom Tokens

  2. The ability to interact with contracts (dApps) on the Ethereum network

  3. Hardware wallet support (if desired)


Web Wallet

The XE web wallet is available now

$XE has its own network native client-side wallet. This is a JavaScript app that runs entirely in your local browser. The web wallet provides the ability to generate and restore $XE wallets, view your transaction history, make transactions within the $XE network, bridge between $XE and $EDGE and stake $XE against network nodes.

You can access the XE web wallet at: wallet.xe.network

Creating an $XE Wallet

Mobile Wallet

The XE mobile wallet is available now

XE has it's own mobile wallet. It's available for iOS and includes support for $EDGE and $ETH, facilitating the bridging to and from $XE directly in app.

Future versions of the app will allow you to buy and sell $XE directly in the app using the network's exchange function. You will also be able to stake XE and Eth, and in time enable your device directly as a network node.

You can access the XE mobile wallet at: ed.ge/app

Desktop Wallet

The desktop wallet is currently in development. There is no firm date for release

The XE Desktop Wallet can also be used for the management of your $XE. It's available for Windows and OSX and can be used to bridge your tokens.

You can also buy and sell $XE directly in the app using the network's exchange function.

It is expected that future itterations of the desktop wallet will bundle in an Edge Network node, allowing staking directly within the wallet.

Last updated